Thank you for praying
Greetings beloved of the Lord, i hope that you are doing well and resting in the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for praying for me and please continue to do so.
i just returned from ministering at the Bible College and Calvary Chapel Church in Antigua, Guatemala.. It was a very blessed time with the students and church members.
We had a number of church members join us for the week long study on what it is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. They were all very teachable and ready to learn.
i will be leaving for Florida 11/21 in the morning where i will spend Thanksgiving with my son Jonathan and his wife Courtney, along with getting my second of three knee injections in hopes of alleviating some of the pain of bone on bone.
11/24 i will be leaving for Camajuani, Cuba where i will be speaking 3 days at the first Medical Missions Conference. i am really looking forward to this for many reasons, in part, because it is like coming home. Please pray for me and all the participants and speakers. i will be speaking Friday and Saturday night and Sunday morning before returning to Florida Sunday afternoon.
i greatly appreciate all of you and the role that you play in this ministry,
your fellow servant in Christ, drew