Greetings beloved of the Lord, i hope that you are doing well and rejoicing in the goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
i just returned last night from a very blessed time in Uganda.
We had a wonderful group of sisters attend our training through the Gospel of John, and basic doctrines of the Christian faith. They were all so eager and hungry for the Word of God.
i was joined in teaching with 2 of our training teachers, pastors James and Charles along with pastor Jim who translated for me.
We video recorded the entire training and hope to put it on memory sticks for the training pastors to assist them in the future.
Some of the ladies in our fellowship put together some packets for the ladies attending which they were so happy to receive (one of the photos)
Henry and i (my driver and co laborer in the faith) were also able to deliver a large load of books (curriculum) to the primary school that we have been involved with since it's inception. The school now has 320 students and is in need of many of the essentials.
While in Entebbe i met with some of the staff from a new medical clinic the Calvary Chapel of Entebbe recently opened serving the community and the islands in Lake Victoria.
It was a very fruitful trip. Five of our
training/teaching pastors will be holding another training through the Gospel of John to a new group of pastors in 2 weeks. in the near future, i will probably be turning over the teaching of the Gospel of John to the training pastors as well as Genesis which pastor Roberto has been teaching for the last 2 years.
This will free me up to focus more on our teachings of Discipleship 1 & 2 as well as the book of Acts; the Pastoral Epistles and Apologetics and the book of Romans.
We now have hundreds of pastors that are currently attending the trainings at the training center as well as many hundreds that are awaiting to attend.
The Lord is doing wonderful things in the lives of these men and women.
i leave in a few hours for Merida, Mexico where i will be speaking at a missions conference and churches. i would so greatly appreciate your prayers.
your fellow servant in Christ, drew