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Thank you for praying

Greetings beloved of the Lord, i hope that you are doing well and rejoicing in the goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

i just returned from a blessed visit to Merida, Mexico and good friends and fellow laborers in Christ pastor Roberto and wife Damaris of Calvary Chapel Centro.

The Lord gave me many opportunities to minister and teach the Word of God.

4 days were spent doing morning devotions for the teachers at the school and then on Friday we spent the day learning the Inductive Bible Study Method.

While at the school i also was able to speak to the middle school students about various subjects.

At the church i had the opportunity to teach the IBS 3 nights and all day Saturday as well as teach the youth group Saturday night and speak at the 3 services Sunday morning.

We also traveled to the town of Tizmin where a young man Hassan is pastoring and teach a condensed version of the IBS to the congregation.

i was also able to meet and fellowship with longtime friends Juan Carlo and his wife.

The Lord richly blessed the time and i thank you for praying for me.

i'll be home until July 4 when i leave for Uganda to train another group of pastors.

Please continue to pray for the Lord's intervention in the situation with the training center. Our adversary has found some very willing individuals to work through and oppose the work of the Lord that is going on there.

Thank you for partnering with me in this ministry, you are greatly appreciated.

your fellow servant in Christ, drew

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