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Greetings beloved of the Lord and fellow heirs to the glories that are ours in Christ Jesus our Lord. The first quarter of 2019 has been a busy one.
Dec. 8-16 I traveled to Cambodia to train pastors in the Inductive Bible Study Method. Because of what had happened to Pastor Hung (he is recuperating from the stroke he had and I ask that you continue to pray for him and his family), some adjustments had to be made.  Steven did a wonderful job taking care of all of that. We did do a seminar in Battambang Province, which had previously been planned for a level 2 IBS. We ended up having more attend for their first time than we did for the second level. It was quite a challenge and as always, the Lord blessed and all were encouraged and built up in the faith. In returning to Phnom Penh, I had the opportunity to teach the level one and two at Water of Life to about 80 young people, it was a real blessing.
December 28-January 8 a group of 7 sisters and myself returned to Cambodia to conduct 8 medical clinics in and around the Phnom Penh area. The ladies did a wonderful job ministering to the nearly 1400 people we treated, it was a joy to watch them faithfully serve our Lord. Our Cambodian counter parts did a great job as well ministering alongside us. Everyone heard the Gospel and many of the 1400 heard it for the first time.

Home for 10 hours before leaving for Uganda to train a group of 50 pastors and leaders January 10-18. This group of men and women were exceptionally hungry and attentive to furthering their understanding of God’s Word so that they may better equip the people they minister to. It is such a joy and privilege to teach people with such zeal for knowing the Lord and His Word. It was also a blessing to work with my co-laborers Pastors James and David, and my driver and assistant Henry.
Home for a day and then off to Burma with one of my favorite traveling buddies, Pastor Roberto Aguayo (Bobby) to train pastor, leaders and native missionaries the Inductive Bible Study Method. This is greatly needed in Burma as elsewhere. The 25 who attended were hungry and very attentive to the teaching and did a great job completing the work. Our translator Job did a fantastic job.
Home for a few days then off to Cuba to participate in the annual pastor’s conference for 4 days in Santa Clara Province. Cuba is one of those places I feel very much at home at having been going there since 1991. A group of pastors from various parts of the world taught through the Book of Revelation to the 600+ pastors and leaders that attended. It was a blessed time. My youngest son Jonathan also attended and taught the youth and one of the main sessions.
Home for 2 weeks for the start of another semester at our School of Discipleship. This semester we had 4 different semesters going Monday through Thursday night. We have a great group of students who really want to know Jesus better. Please keep them in prayer. February 24 – March 10 I had the joy and privilege to teach the “Life of the Messiah” to 15 students at the CCBC Israel in northern Israel. I always enjoy being around young people that have a heart for the Lord.  
Home for 2 days and then off to Uganda to lead our annual medical team. We held clinics in 6 villages and treated over 2500 people during this time. It was an exhausting time for all of us with some of us getting sick. The Lord greatly blessed our time with a great team. Lord willing we are returning to do another medical outreach in April of 2020
The pastor training center is progressing well and we hope to have it up and functional, to house and train pastors by the end of this year, if not sooner. There are a number of items that need to be acquired before this can happen.  The most important is water, we need a well to be dug along with rain gutters for the roofs of the facilities and large rain storage containers to collect the rain for future use. 
Second, we need electricity both conventional and solar. We need to purchase a pole to bring the local electricity to the property (this electricity is unreliable and is only functional part of the time) this is why we would like to have solar also when the local electricity is not available. Third, we need all the furnishings for the facility, triple bunk beds, 2 sets in each of the 7 bedrooms, tables, benches, desks, kitchen supplies, toilets, chairs, mosquito nets, lights, white boards, paper, pens, books, dvd player and screen, file cabinets, copy machine, etc… Fourth, there are 2 adjacent lots next to our 2 lots that would make the facility much more functional and allow us to grow fruit trees and a vegetable garden to feed the pastors attending. One of the lots is $1500 the other is $2500 because it has the beginning of a building on it. Finally, we would like to enclose the entire facility with a wall for security purposes as it is right in the middle of town. Please join us in prayer for this facility as well as the training center in Myanmar that we are working on completing. Also, please pray for upcoming trips. April 4-13  I will be traveling to Peru to teach and train students and leaders. April 21-29  I will be at Calvary Chapel La Esparaza in Guatemala teaching. May 9-18 in Uganda training pastors in the second level of the Inductive Bible Study Method May 31-June 7 in Merida, Mexico teaching and speaking at the missions conf. June 12-22 back in Uganda training pastors and leaders June 24-July 1 Myanmar/Burma training leaders in the IBS July 3-11 Columbia training leaders and pastors. July 12-15 in Cancun, Mexico teaching the IBS July 17-25 Cuba training leaders and students July 28-August 8 leading a medical team to Cambodia I greatly appreciate your partnership in this ministry.


Yours in Christ,



T.W.T.W.   P.O. Box 1528, Alpine CA 91903 Ph. (619) 445-2589 Email:

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