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Burma and Uganda

Thank you very much for praying and please continue to do so

Greetings beloved of the Lord, i do hope that you are doing well and rejoicing in the goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have a blessed Hope that will not be disappointed because our the Saviour of our souls is not dead but is Risen just as He said.

i just returned from a tremendously blessed trip to Burma/Myanmar.

i had not been there for nearly 3 years since the junta of the military began.

It was a great blessing to be back with many of the brethren like Elisha, Habakkuk, and Job and many others.

Things in Burma are very difficult. The military continues to indiscriminately murder thousands of people in the northern states and really through out the country. Because the resistance army has had some success against the military the military now is forcibly taking young people from ages 18-35 from their homes, schools, work place and making them fight in the civil war. Many (thousands and thousands in fear of this have fled to neighboring countries.

The people live in constant fear of the military who simply do whatever they want.

Yet in all of this as the Apostle Paul testified to Timothy  while in prison in Rome

"Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound."

All the trouble in the world cannot/will not stop the Gospel from going forth, praise the Lord.

Our brothers and sisters in countries like Burma need our faithful prayers and help in any way we can. They need to be strengthened and encouraged to continue on in the work of the Lord even as they face imprisonment and death. Please remember to pray for them daily. And once again i urge you to watch the movie "Free Burna Rangers" because it gives a very accurate picture of what is going on in Burma right now.

While i was there i was able to partake in a wedding, a baptism, a baby dedication, a Sunday service, and a week of teaching the Word to the precious brothers and sisters.

On many occasions i was thanked by them for coming and encouraging them in the Word of God and reminding them as we read in Acts 14:21-22  "And when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioch, Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."

Please continue to pray for them and myself. Lord willing i am hoping to return to Burma the end of the year or beginning of 2025.

Also, i will be leaving this Tuesday for Uganda where i will be joining our medical team members from Cuba, Russia, Mexico, Uganda, and America to hold 6 medical clinics in 6 different villages treating approximately 600 people each day and giving them the most important gift: The Message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray for all the supplies that we will be taking to get through customs, safe travel, unity of heart; mind; and purpose for the team, health, the enemy of our souls to be bound and release his grasp on the souls of men, women, and children.

Thank you beloved of the Lord for partnering with me in this ministry to our Lord and to His people.

your fellow servant in Christ, drew

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Please pray Greetings beloved of the Lord, i hope that you are doing well and resting and rejoicing in the goodness of our Lord. By the wonderful and marvelous grace of God i will be returning to Ugan

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